Oh and by the way I have the white IPad mini (If you were wondering) (:
These are all of the apps that I used for when I am studying, taking notes, or just reading. I have first IBooks, Wattpad, ITunesU, Calculator, StudyBlue, Around Me, Quizlet, Notes, Dropbox, Drive, Docs, Kindle, Reminders, Evernote, The HW App. ♡
The first app is IBooks. The only time I use this app is when I am bored at home, or when I am waiting for my next class to start. Its always good to read, whenever you get the chance ♡
The second app is called Wattpad. This app personally is one of my favorites to read books and pass your time on. People on here write there own fictional stories and some of them are just amazing!! The only one I am reading right now it's called, "Follow me Back" since a great book so far. ♡
The third app is the calculator app. Since the app doesn't come with a calculator already installed in it, I had to go and find one. Out of all the ones I have tried this is the best because you can literally write any formula out and it will always give an answer. ♡
The fourth app is called StudyBlue. All you do on is this app is just make flashcards for any class that your are taking. This app is sooooo helpful to me because I learn better through flashcards. I have been using this app since high school (and still using it (: ♡)
The fifth app is called Quizlet, this app is so helpful if you don't want to make flashcards by hand, you can literally find any flashcards on here that people have created, for every subject there is. ♡
The sixth app is just the notes app that comes with the IPad, right now I just use it for blogging stuff. ♡
The seventh app is called Dropbox. All of my professors use dropbox, so they sent me notes, study guides, practice tests, and etc. ♡
The eight app is called Google Drive. One of my professor this year is trying out google drive with us to see if its any good or not. But this is a sharing app between professors and classmates. (I prefer dropbox though :P)♡
The ninth app is called Google Docs. Along with google drive, you have to download google docs for you to write your papers and share it with your professors or classmates. (Not a bad app) ♡
The tenth app is called Kindle. Instead of caring such heavy books to school and hurting my back. I use kindle to download all of my textbooks that I need for the semester. All I do is just rent them from Amazon (or you could buy them too) and it directly downloads on my Kindle. Greatest thing in the world! ♡
The eleventh app is just the reminders that comes with the IPad. I just use this to remind myself when I have to do my homework, or when something important I have to do. ♡
The twelve app is called Evernote. I personally don't like writing my notes on notebooks, or loose paper, because I ALWAYS end up losing them. So during class I just write all of my notes in this app and backup it on my computer also, so I don't ever have to lose them again... Haha ♡
And the last app is called My HW App. Here is where I get everything that is due, from homework too tests, to essays, etc. Anything to remind myself, "Hey it's due tomorrow, did you finish?!?" ♡
Those are all of the apps that I use for college. They have helped me throughout my high school career, and know they are helping me even more in my 2nd year of college. Let me know in the comments below if you are going to use any of these apps in this school year. ♡
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